
Using the Dewey decimal classification but with all fiction under 800 with genres alphabetical instead of author's nationality.

DDC title author ISBN ext. l.
005.13300 The C programming language 2nd edition Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie 0131103709 HTML
005.13300 Higher-order Perl Mark Jason Dominus 1558607013 HTML
025.30000 Indexing books Nancy C. Mulvany 0226552764
070.43092 Pale native: memories of a renegade reporter Max du Preez 9781868729135
150.00000 The Lucifer effect: how good people turn evil Philip Zimbardo 9781846041037
170.00000 Writings on an ethical life Peter Singer 1841155519
190.00000 The twenty greatest philosophy books James Garvey 0826490549
277.30830 Letter to a Christian nation: a challenge to faith Sam Harris 9780593058978
289.10000 The elements of Unitarianism George Chryssides 1862042470
294.39270 Studies in Zen Daisetz Taitaro Suzuki 0042941342
303.48330 Here comes everybody: the power of organizing without organizations Clay Shirky 9781594201530 HTML
303.48400 No logo Naomi Klein 0006530400
363.73800 A lighter footprint: a practical guide to minimising your impact on the planet Angela Crocombe 9781921215599
387.15500 Lighthouses of South Africa 0620163674
387.15500 Southern lights: lighthouses of southern Africa Harold A. Williams 0958375119
428.20000 Eats, shoots & leaves: the zero tolerance approach to punctuation Lynne Truss 1861976771
500.00000 Billions and billions: thoughts on life and death at the brink of the millennium Carl Sagan 0345379187
500.00000 A short history of nearly everything Bill Bryson 0767908171
511.35000 Introduction to the theory of computation 2nd edition Michael Sipser 0534950973 HTML
519.53500 An introduction to copulas Roger B. Nelsen 0387986235 PDF
512.10000 The illustrated a brief history of time updated and expanded edition Stephen Hawking 0593040597
523.00000 The varieties of scientific experience: a personal view of the search for God Carl Sagan 9780143112624
581.30110 The algorithmic beauty of plants Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer 0387972978 HTML
610.72700 Primer of biostatistics 5th edition S. A. Glantz 0071381511 PDF
611.00000 Gray's anatomy 39th edition Susan Standring 0443071683 HTML
613.28000 Earl Mindell's new vitamin bible Earl Mindell, Hester Mundis 0285637398
613.69000 Bushcraft: an inspirational guide to surviving the wilderness Ray Mears 0340792582
613.69000 The SAS survival handbook John Wiseman 0002171856
613.69000 The Spur book of survival and rescue Terry Brown, Rob Hunter 0904978729
641.30300 Eating animals Jonathan Safran Foer 9780241144251
658.40930 Getting things done: how to achieve stress-free productivity David Allen 9780749922641
782.00000 Pink Floyd: the music and the mystery Andy Mabbett 9781849383707
793.93000 Serenity role playing game Jamie Chambers 1931567506
800.fantas Foundation Isaac Asimov 0586010807
800.fantas Foundation & Empire Isaac Asimov 0586013555
800.histori Quicksilver Neal Stephenson 0380977427 HTML
800.histori The System of the World Neal Stephenson 0060523875 HTML
800.scienc Blue Mars Kim Stanley Robinson 0586213910
800.scienc The Eden proposition Kurt Dahl 9781439215678
800.scienc The Martians Kim Stanley Robinson 000225932X
800.thriller The firm / The pelican brief John Grisham 0091870070
808.06690 Writing biographies and getting published Ina Taylor 0340730250
917.30000 The lost continent: travels in small-town America Bill Bryson 9780552998086
920.00000 The illustrated long walk to freedom: the autobiography of Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela 0316880205
937.00000 Romans (Usborne beginners) Katie Daynes 0746059116
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