978-1-86872-913-5 Pale native: memories of a renegade reporter by Max du Preez. Zebra press, 2008, paperback viii+286 pages.

Chapter Page Line Errata Correction
21 Going alternative 176 19-20 'Mandela: 'n Nuwe Era', written by and [sic] Jacques and myself. 'Mandela: 'n Nuwe Era', written by Jacques and myself. [1]
22 Golden years 184 8-9 Twice we had to skip an edition because the printers refused to print before [sic] hadn't paid our bills
28 The poor man's Stalin 257 -6 'it's not easy to shake that passion'. [sic] 'it's not easy to shake that passion'.)

[1] Oranje blanje blues by Max Du Preez, p.6

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