0-226-55276-4 Indexing books by Nancy C. Mulvany. University of Chicago books, Chicago 2005, hardcover, 315 pages.

Chapter Page Line Errata Correction
6 Special concerns in indexing 136 11 Some software version numbers, e.g. Linux and GNOME, use dots not as decimal separators but string separators, so that 2.1 is followed by 2.8 which is followed by 2.10.[1]
6 137 7 H20 H2O [2]
10 Tools for nidexing 265 1 User interface design. User interface design. User interface design. User interface design.
10 271 2 The indexer's ability to recognize patterns and relationships is a unique human skill [sic] cannot be automated The indexer's ability to recognize patterns and relationships is a unique human skill that cannot be automated

[1] Willis, Nathan Decline and fall of the version number. Linux.com, 2005-06-11. Retrieved on 2008-07-12.
[2] Wellisch, Hans H. NISO TR03-1999 Guidelines for alphabetical arrangement of letters and sorting of numerals and other symbols (PDF). NISO, 1999. Retrieved on 2008-07-12. ISBN: 1-880124-41-6.

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